Robin Williams fans pay tribute Tattoos

The news broke of Robin Williams’ death has set heavy on fans and people are still grieving. American actor Robin Williams passed away last August 11, at the age of 63. He’s been in classics such as Mrs Doubtfire, Insomnia, Patch Adams, Good Will Hunting, The Birdcage, Hook, Good Morning Vietnam, The World According to Gap, and, of course, the cult Dead Poets Society. A great acting career, alternating movies for families and philosophical teachings.
After his tragic death, many fans decided to  getting tattoos of the actor on their bodies. 
Let’s take some time to remember an artist who has given so much joy to milliards of people with these Robin Williams tribute tattoos.



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.